Writer in Residence: Aaditya Aggarwal
Our writer-in-residence Aaditya Aggarwal produced four texts that responded to SAVACs 30 year archive. These texts have cumulated to a beautiful publication and we are so excited to finally share it with our community. SAVAC supported him through editorial support and mentorship.
Publication texts include:
Let Me List For You The Heat Inside
Pieces of Summertime
Mermaid, Pilgrim, Spectator
Rasha Salti Curates a Deep Sea Cinema
Translations of Exile and Entrapment
Parastoo Anoushahpour’s The Time That Separates Us
Harman’s Interlude
Coinciding with our 30th-year anniversary, this program aims to build a meaningful relationship
with a writer who is interested in SAVAC’s current work as well as history as an organization.
This moment asks us to reflect on the current conditions of art criticism and review, given the
number of publications that have reduced print runs or shut down entirely. We are also
concerned by the lack of writing by people of color about the work of artists, curators, and/or
organizations run by people of color. For these reasons, we are offering a platform that
supports writers both emerging and established to build relationships with us and our
community of artists based on collaboration, reciprocity, and generative discourse. For the
duration of the residency, the Aaditya will produce 4 written
pieces/projects to be published on various platforms of their choosing about the current
programming of SAVAC (2022-2023).
Aaditya Aggarwal is a writer, editor and film programmer based in Toronto and New Delhi. He has formerly worked at Mercer Union, Images Festival, Regent Park Film Festival, Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival and TIFF. Aaditya’s writing can be found in POV Magazine, Rungh Magazine, Canadian Art, The New Inquiry, Ethnic Aisle, Trinity Square Video and Koffler Digital, among others. He recently served as a Commissioning Editor for Reel Asian’s 25th anniversary anthology (re)Rites of Passage. Currently, Aaditya is a Curatorial Fellow at the Canyon Cinema Foundation.