Wrapped in Code

3-14 Mar 2004
Gallery 1313 (1313 Queen St. W)

Farheen HaQ, Mona Kamal
Curated by Rachel Kalpana James
Opening reception: Thursday, 4 March, 7-10 pm

Fragments, gestures woven into our lives unfold new meanings.

Ritual and repetitive gestures belie the art and art making process in the textile work of Mona Kamal and the video art of Farheen HaQ.

Kamal: “The pieces that I create involve a long, slow, repetitive process.” She pierces hundreds of pine needles into an extended woven cloth. She invents new characters and markings, creating a fictitious visual script to tell her personal stories.

HaQ places herself in her videos: “I re-enact and perform simple actions that are either religious or culturally coded. With subtle changes, I push the gesture beyond the norm.”

As Muslim women, both these artists fragment traces from their religion, family, and bodies to repeat patterns, creating trance-like works which invite the viewer to discover their own stories.



Suite 450
401 Richmond St. W.
Toronto, ON M5V 3A8

1 (416) 542-1661

Office Closed
Monday – Thursday
by appointment only


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