With the imminent entry of a fascist leader, India is entering one of the country’s darkest and most melodramatic political periods yet. India is often considered the biggest bully in South Asia, and the...
In collaboration with The Ethnocultural Art Histories Research Group (EAHR), SAVAC presents a public lecture by artist Anahita Norouzi at The Gail and Stephen A. Jarislowsky Institute for Studies in Canadian Art at Concordia University....
Ali Kazimi's Fair Play depicts the lives of ordinary people who were affected by the arrival, detention and departure of the Komagata Maru, through ten quiet vignettes in stereoscopic 3D. Presented in partnership with...
In this free workshop/discussion, Peter Kingstone (Toronto Arts Council's Visual/Media Arts Officer) will guide you through the necessary steps to get a grant, including tips and strategies for incorporating storytelling, knowing your audience, articulating...
Been thinking about “getting your work online” for a while, but aren’t quite sure about the best way to do it? This workshop, led by Bento Miso's Henry Faber, demonstrated how to use different...
Take Home the Unknown features artwork by 100 artists, musicians, chefs, writers, actors, and local luminaries, all priced at only $100. The catch? All of the works are anonymous.
The works of "Work It." explore various modes of institutional critique, raising questions of appropriation and commodification, and the ways in which they reflect on one's identity as an artist and cultural worker. Featuring...
SAVAC is proud to be a community partner for the film program, "I've Heard Stories", curated by Azar Mahmoudian. Taking its title from the lead film by Marwa Arsanios, the films in this program...