The Idea of a Village
By Oliver Husain The village has been left behind. It doesn’t play a big role in official culture and economic decisions. The village which progress has forgotten is pushed out to the margins. Yet,...دلِ که سوز ندارد, دلِ نیست (the heart that has no love/pain/generosity is not a heart)
In April 2008, Jayce Salloum a Vancouver-based artist, traveled to Afghanistan to collaborate with Khadim Ali, a Hazara artist from Afghanistan living in Pakistan. During their travels they recorded their experience using video, photography...Urban Myths & Modern Fables
19 March - 11 May, 2008 • Doris McCarthy Gallery, UTSC • Hamra Abbas, Khadim Ali, Henna Nadeem, Hitesh Natalwala, Tazeen Qayyum, Nusra Latif Qureshi, Naeem Rana, Sabeen Raja, Amin Rehman, Sangeeta Sandrasegar, Alia...