Portfolio Review – Nahed Mansour

29 March 2016, 6 - 8pm
SAVAC 401 Richmond St W. #450

We invite SAVAC members to participate in a portfolio review session, facilitated by SAVAC’s new Programming Coordinator, Nahed Mansour.

Our members’ portfolio review happens twice a year, and It’s a great opportunity to meet other artists from the SAVAC community in a relaxed, supportive environment. Participating artists will receive advice, feedback, and suggestions from artist facilitators who are experienced in navigating some of the challenges of being an artist today.

Geared to emerging and established artists alike, this event aims to catalyze an open discussion on areas of interest to individual artists, including feedback on past/future projects, suggestions for how to connect with audiences, and recommendations for trajectories to explore.

How to Participate

Four selected SAVAC member artists  will have the opportunity to present their work during the portfolio review session. The facilitators will engage with the artists, ask questions and give specific feedback on the work presented.

All SAVAC members are welcome to attend as spectators. To attend as a spectator, email info@www.savac.net with the subject line “Portfolio Review Spectator”

Dinner will be served. Childcare will be provided with 48 hours notice and the building is fully accessible.

How to Submit

Portfolios will be selected on a first-come first-served basis, so submit early!

  1. Include the materials below in a single folder, labelled, YOUR NAME_PORTFOLIO REVIEW.
  2. Email the folder to info@savac.net, with the subject line “Portfolio Review”.

Submission Deadline: 25 March 2016

Please include the following with your submission:

  • Title and dimensions of work(s), and year of production
  • Artist statement (300 words max)
  • Brief biography of the artist (200 words max)
  • Artist CV (optional)
  • Up to 10 digital images (best resolution possible, jpeg or tiff) or up to 5 minutes of moving image / sound work

Please contact us in case of any special physical portfolio submission requests.

Nahed Mansour is a Toronto-based artist who works in video, installation, and performance. She draws from personal and historic archives to address representations of gender and racial relationships.

Her most recent works have taken up notions of mimicry in popular entertainment. These works center on dancers/singers, ranging from Egyptian icon Sherihan to Michael Jackson, who become apertures for thinking about the ways in which racial identities are performed and negotiated in the globally hybrid post-colonial present. Her work aims to expose the ways in which narratives of labour and entertainment are often grafted onto the racialized physicality of bodies exploited for hyper mediated viewing.

She was recently hired as SAVAC’s new Programming Coordinator.


Suite 450
401 Richmond St. W.
Toronto, ON M5V 3A8

1 (416) 542-1661

Office Closed
Monday – Thursday
by appointment only


Stay up to date about upcoming submission deadlines, workshops,
exhibitions, and events at SAVAC.