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Lands and Seas of Bones

As a part of the Toronto Queer Film Festival, SAVAC is happy to co-present a program of experimental shorts titled Lands and Seas of Bones. Featuring films from Turtle Island, the program remember the...

The Feeling of Being Watched

SAVAC is pleased to co-present The Feeling of Being Watched (Q&A with director Assia Boundaoui to follow) at the Toronto Palestine Film Festival (TPFF) on Sunday 23 September 2018 at, 4:15 PM. Filmmaker Assia Boundaoui is haunted by a childhood memory...

Demons in Paradise

Demons in Paradise Jude Ratnam, 2017, France/Sri Lanka, 94 Minutes SAVAC and Workman Arts’s festival, Rendezvous with Madness are happy to co-present a screening of Demons in Paradise by Jude Ratnam in Toronto, ON. Ten years...

Sandarbh / Référence

SAVAC is pleased to co-present Sandarbh / Référence, an exhibition and residency with Sashikanth Thavudoz (India) & Julie Alary Lavallée (curator / Rouyn-Noranda/Montréal) at Glencore Foundry Horne and L’Ecart. Sandarbh / Référence is both an exhibition...

Hemlock Forest

SAVAC is pleased to co-present a screening of a mid-length program titled “Hemlock Forest” at the 31st Annual Images Festival, featuring works by Moyra Davey, Ayo Akingbade, and Sharlene Bamboat. Hemlock Forest Moyra Davey CANADA/USA,...

Khoon Diy Baraav

SAVAC is pleased to co-present a screening of Iffat Fatima’s film Khoon Diy Baraav (Blood Leaves its Trail) with the Kashmir Solidarity Network and Upping the Anti. The film provides an account of state...

Palestine Festival of Literature

Co-presented by Another Story Bookshop to celebrate 10th anniversary of Toronto Palestine Film Festival and Palestine Festival of Literature SAVAC’s Executive Director, Indu Vashist sits down to chat with Hala Alyan, poet and author of Salt Houses and Leila Abdelrazaq, graphic novelist...

Nuclear Hallucinations

Presented as a part of Creative Time Summit 30 September 2017 at 11:00am Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), Weston Family Learning Center, Rm 19 Screening: Nuclear Hallucinations Saturday, September 30, 11:00 AM – AGO, Weston...

Prisoners of Conscience

Co-presented with Early Monthly Segments Guest programmed by Shai Heredia (Experimenta India) and introduced by our Executive Director Indu Vashist SAVAC is pleased to co-present two films from mid-1970’s India guest programmed by Shai Heredia...

Ask the Sexpert

Co-presented with Hot Docs Directed by Vaishali Sinha & Produced by Mridu Chandra In India, a country of 1.2 billion, no one is supposed to talk about sex. Highly taboo, sex remains unfit for public discussion...

Suite 450
401 Richmond St. W.
Toronto, ON M5V 3A8

1 (416) 542-1661

Office Closed
Monday – Thursday
by appointment only


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