From Here to There

13 May - 17 June 2000

t-heretothereRoark Andrade, Damien Lopez

A collaboration between InterAccess and SAVAC, in co-sponsorship with Desh Pardesh.

Curated by Kulwinder Bajar and Mark Jones

From Here to There… Brings together work which surveys the multi-layered histories and collective memory of localized transient cultural communities. This is a journey into history and identity within the contemporary cultural landscape. Roark Andrade‘s Suburban Little India examines the expansion of the South Asian community situated at Albion and Islington Road in the northwest corner of Toronto. By utilizing a combination of experimental documentary video projection and a web-site of the project, Andrade speculates on the present and future of this evolving South Asian community. Damien LopesProjext X: 1497-1999, is a web work developed over several years which involves a poetry-multimedia installation on discovery and technology as related to the colonising effects of Vasco da Gama’s first voyage from Portugal to Africa and India. This project is curated by Kulwinder Bajar and Mark Jones, and is the third collaboration between SAVAC, InterAccess and Desh Pardesh.


Damian Lopes was born in Scotland and raised in Canada and traces his ancestry to the UK, New Zealand, East Africa, India and Portugal. He is the author of several books of poetry including sensory deprivation; clay lamps & fighter kites and towards the quiet. He is a web editor and runs Bitwalla Design.

Roark Andrade is a multimedia artist and graduate of OCAD (Ontario College of Art & Design) Integrated Media program in 1997. His films and videos have been screened at local and International festivals such as Montreal World Film Festival, the Empire State Film and Video Festival and Desh Pardesh. He is an ambivalent ex-suburbanite.

Suite 450
401 Richmond St. W.
Toronto, ON M5V 3A8

1 (416) 542-1661

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Monday – Thursday
by appointment only


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